Team Building Tuesday

Hello All! During this time of social distancing and remote working, organizational health is more important than ever. Each Tuesday I’ll send a modified team building activity that you can do with your coworkers and teammates via video conference. How We...

Conversing with God in Creation

A few years ago, I started school at George Fox University. Coming from Hawaii and never experiencing Oregon before was a huge change. It took a while to get used to. With the stress and busyness of college, I needed too find places to unwind, relax, and get away, but...

The #1 Reason to Send your Kid to Camp.

Did you know? Playing outside makes kids happier and healthier and more caring and generous? Yet the average American youth spends 7.5 hours a day on electronics but only 4 minutes playing outside? (taken from “The Power of Camp”)  [LEARN MORE] In our busy...