Directions to Tilikum
Mailing and physical address: 15321 NE North Valley Road, Newberg, OR 97132
For directions from Google Maps [CLICK HERE]
From the North on I-5 Travel south through Portland on I-5 and take the Tualatin/Sherwood Exit number 289. Turn right and follow Tualatin/Sherwood Road five miles to Hwy 99W at Sherwood. Turn left, going southwest, for eight miles and drive through Newberg until you are on the west side of town. Continue with directions from Newberg.
From the South on I-5 Travel I-5 north of Salem and take the Brooks Exit number 263. At the top of the ramp, turn left across the overpass, heading west. At the next stop sign (immediately after you go over the railroad tracks) turn right (north) and follow Hwy 219 into Newberg. At the stop light on Hwy 99W, turn left and travel through Newberg until you are on the west side of town. Continue with directions from Newberg.
From Newberg In Newberg turn north at the intersection of Hwy 99W and Hwy 240 (Chehalem Valley / Yamhill sign). Follow Hwy 240 for five miles. Turn right (north), onto Ribbon Ridge Road (a Tilikum Retreat Center sign is on your left). After one mile, bear left at the junction onto North Valley Road. Look for the Tilikum sign on the right (one mile).
From Forest Grove Head south on Hwy 47 toward Gaston. Two miles beyond Gaston, turn left onto Flett Road. After 1.5 miles Flett Road makes a turn to the right. Continue for about 4 miles. (The name of the road will change from Flett Road, to Springhill Road, to North Valley Road.) The entrance to Tilikum is a sharp left turn into the driveway.
From McMinnville Take Hwy 99W toward Newberg. After entering Lafayette, turn left onto Bridge Street (Bill’s Market on the right), which becomes Abbey Road. Follow Abbey Road past the Trappist Abbey and bear right at the junction with Hendricks Road, where Abbey Road becomes Kuehne Road. Continue to the stop sign then turn right off of Kuehne Road onto Hwy 240 and proceed 0.7 miles to Ribbon Ridge Road. Turn left onto Ribbon Ridge Road. After one mile, bear left at the junction onto North Valley Road. Look for the Tilikum entrance sign on the right (one mile).
For more information email the Administrative office, or call (503) 538-2763.