Meet the Administrative Staff

Executive Director / Dennis Littlefield

Camp name: “Robin Hood”
(503) 538-2763, ext. 103
Send Dennis a message.


grant-banham-program-director-camp-tilikumProgram Director / Grant Banham

Camp name: “Knightcap”
(503) 538-2763, ext. 106
Send Grant a message.



suzanne-maki-guest-services-directorGuest Services Director / Suzanne Maki

Camp name: “Shazam”
(503) 538-2763, ext. 101
Send Suzanne a message.


becky-headrick-food-services-director-camp-tilikumFood Services Director / Becky Headrick

Camp name: “Zepplin”
(503) 538-2763, ext. 108
Send Miss Becky a message.


nancy-outwater-tilikum-staffHousekeeping Coordinator / Nancy Outwater

Camp name: “Mind Reader”
(503) 538-2763, ext. 101
Send Nancy a message.


scott-diefenbaugh-tilikum-challenge-course-managerChallenge Course Manager / Scott Diefenbaugh

Camp name: “Just boring ol’ Scott”
(503) 538-2763, ext. 105
Send Scott a message.


justin-adsit-maintenance-directorMaintenance Director / Justin Adsit

Camp name: “?
(503) 538-2763
Send Justin a message.



Mousekeeping (barn) / James and John

Camp Names: “Sons of Thunder”

(503) 538-2763, ext. 104
Send James and John a message.


mary-and-martha-shop-catsMousekeeping (shop) / Mary and Martha

Camp Names: “Mary” and “Martha”

(503) 538-2763, ext. 104
Send Mary and Martha a message.