Camp Tilikum 2018 Site Master Plan

“The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Psalm 37:23 NLT

“Plans are worthless, but planning is priceless.” It’s the process of critically looking at our organization and applying potential new ideas that helps us make good decisions.” Gary Forster

Since 1971 Tilikum has gone through the master planning process five times. In 2013 Tilikum was blessed with a generous donation which allowed us to work with Bethany Rydmark Landscapes to develop a new version of the Master Site Plan. Recently Tilikum has adjusted the plan to include the completion of many projects as well as adding new projects.


Below are some additional planning documents.
Retreat Center Garden Concept

Key Components of this Master Site Plan

The camper/guest experience should not conflict with staff areas.

  1. Create a loading area for truck deliveries away from guest and camper access.
  2. Have guests enter the retreat center from the south at the new entrance and lobby.
  3. Create offices with better separation of guests and staff areas.
  4. Create staff parking away and separate from guest parking.

An Improved Entrance to the Camp

The new road will give a better sense of entry and sequence. It includes a beautiful entry through the woods, then obvious parking areas and office. The retreat center will have a new covered entry and larger lobby.

Project Timing / Incremental Improvements

Thorough planning orders the sequence of projects and has minimal impact on providing existing services.

  1. The new road could be built without interrupting the service of the current road.

Support Services

This plan takes into account utilities and infrastructure needs such as: parking spots, drinking water, irrigation water, septic, electrical, phone and internet.

Effective Stewardship

Our goal is to accomplish Tilikum’s mission with excellence and effective stewardship. There are so many deserving ministries around the world and Tilikum shouldn’t use more than our share of those resources. An initial projection shows that $2 million over the next 20 years, would allow us to accomplish all of the projects on this master plan.  This is significantly less than most master plans usually require and that helps make the potential success of this plan more likely.  Here is an excellent article from Gary Forster that describes our approach to the master planning process.  Please feel free to contact Dennis Littlefield, Executive Director if you have any questions and/or are interested in contributing to the plan. Contact Dennis at 503-538-2763 ext 101 or send an email.