by Dennis Littlefield | Feb 9, 2022 | Development, Employment, Employment at Tilikum, Registrar, Summer Camp, The Lodge
Interested in serving in Camp ministry?Camp Tilikum has several positions open for those interested in serving in Camp ministry including:Camp RegistrarDevelopment AssistantCollege Summer StaffHigh School Summer StaffFacility Maintenance TechnicianKitchen...
by Dennis Littlefield | Jan 26, 2022 | Capital Campaign, Lakeside Village, Living Stones newsletter, Summer Camp
Dear Friends of Tilikum, At the beginning of COVID, after being closed for a couple months, we were able to run a small 2020 summer program. And from September 2020 until April of 2021, most camp staff were furloughed. After that long winter it was a real joy to open...
by Dennis Littlefield | Jul 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hello All! Anyone who has every gone fishing with children, or who has owned a pair of headphones knows that there are knots and there are KNOTS. Knots are a part of life, just like conflict. The measure of a good team member is in how they engage with conflict. In...
by Dennis Littlefield | Jul 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hello All! One of the reasons I love working on a team is seeing the diversity of gifts and abilities between the staff. Howard Gardner suggests that intelligence is more than book smarts–but can encompass nine kinds of smart including: kinesthetic,...
by Dennis Littlefield | Jul 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hello All! Recently a friend of mine introduced me to logic puzzles and I thought, “Hey! This would make a good problem solving activity to do with a virtual team!” Luckily, a colleague in the Challenge Course industry had the same idea! The following...
by Dennis Littlefield | Jun 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hello All! Here is the latest Team Building Activity: Enjoy! Traffic Jam Adapted from Silver Bullets by Karl Rohnke You’ll need a piece of paper and two sets of 3 different colored game pieces. You’ll arrange all of the pieces as pictured above. How to play: The...
by Dennis Littlefield | Jun 23, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hello All! This week we have both a game to play and some good talking points to discuss as a team. I am a huge fan of the Table Group, who generate all sorts of content around organizational health. One of their values is being “people smart” which...
by Dennis Littlefield | Jun 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hello All! Have you ever given your team instructions only to end up with results that don’t meet expectations? It is easy to blame the lack of results on your team not following your directions, but have you considered that maybe your instructions aren’t...
by Dennis Littlefield | Jun 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hello All! As I figure out how to fit my job, goals, regular tasks into social distancing and other safety guidelines I often find myself needing to “recalculate” my approach. Here is an interesting activity that stretches are brains in similar ways: Get...
by Dennis Littlefield | Jun 2, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hello All! A tool that I have been using my entire camp/challenge course career is the “Check-In Question.” Allowing team members to share how they are feeling and what is on their “plates” can contextualize their reactions, decisions, and...